Sales Reports Pack for MYOB

Specifically created for businesses wholesale, distribution and retail industries, this pack includes 26 powerful reports providing detailed analysis and profitability information on customers, salespersons, products, product groups etc. This is a tool that businesses cannot do without.

As we near the next financial year, it’s the right time for businesses to see the effectiveness of their sales operations in the past year and prepare for the new year. For a brief period, the Sales Reports pack is available for $499 inc GST.

The following are the reports included with the Sales Reports pack.

  1. Customer Ageing Report By Identifier
  2. Customer Monthly Sales Summary By Prodcut-Quantity
  3. Customer Profitability By Product Category
  4. Customer Profitability By SalesPerson
  5. Customer Profitability By SalesPerson and Items
  6. GP By Customer By Customer Group
  7. GP By Customer By Item Summary
  8. GP By Customer By Product Group
  9. GP By Customers Detailed
  10. GP By Item By Customer Summary
  11. GP By Items Detailed
  12. GP By Prodcut Group By Customer
  13. GP By SalesPerson Detailed
  14. GP By SalesPerson Detailed Including Order
  15. GP By SalesPerson Summary
  16. Items In ProdcutGroups Not Bought By Distributors
  17. Items Not Bought By Distributor By ProdcutGroup
  18. Margin Analysis By Customers
  19. Margin Analysis By Item Custom Lists-Summary
  20. Margin Analysis By Product
  21. Non Moving Items
  22. Sales Analysis Detailed
  23. Shipping Address Report
  24. Top Selling Customers
  25. Top Selling Products By Customers(Revenue)
  26. Top Selling Products(Revenue)

For further details, click here.

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