MYOB AccounRight Live Reports

The reporting innovators for MYOB are now proud to release the cloud based reporting solutions for MYOB.

The powerful reports previously available MYOB Classic systems (MYOB AccountRight v19.9 and earlier versions) are now being made available for MYOB AccountRight Live.  The Smart Reports reporting system for AccountRight Live is now available on the cloud and that means easy access to your business information from anywhere you have access to a browser and the internet.

The wait is now over and you can now start leveraging your data on AccountRight Live even further.  The following are the reports currently available.  Other reports will be made available regularly.

  1. Sales Report – Gross Profit by Customer by Item – Summary
  2. Sales Report – Sales comparison by Item by Customer and Salesperson
  3. Job Report – Job Profit & Loss by Month including Account Levels
  4. Job Report – Crosstab Report including Account Levels
  5. Finance Report – Costs Tracking Report by GL code including Description

Finance reports including budgets will be released once MYOB finalise their API incorporating access to budget data within MYOB via the API.

Contact Us if you wish to discuss further about your reporting requirements for MYOB AccountRight Live.  We will be happy to discuss your requirements and put together our quote for you.

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