Mobile & Cloud Solutions

In the last few years, businesses have increasingly embraced mobile technologies.  Mobile devices such as Smartphones and Tablet devices are now widely used by businesses for number of areas, ranging from product catalogue through to customer support and post sales customer interaction.

Smart phones and tablet PCs can further increase the productivity in your business and more organisations are benefitting from improving business processes by providing their customers with access to applications via their mobile devices and tablet devices.

Smart Reports specialises in tailored mobile application solutions that can integrate with your accounting systems to eliminate duplication of data entry and maximising interaction with your customers. We custom develop mobile apps for your Smart phone and tablet devices directly targeted for iOS, Android and Windows powered mobile devices.

Today, virtually all applications must be designed specifically with mobility in mind, offering the desired functionality on a small screen to be used with a touch interface.

Smart Reports has the experience and resources to help guide you in mobile connectivity as well as build high quality mobile applications that make it easy for your customers to do business with you.

The world is mobile. Are you?

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