
As our customer, we want you to have an enjoyable experience with our reporting and add-on solutions. Our support centre operates from 10.30am – 5.30am AEST, Monday to Friday (Brisbane time).  Our support staff can be contacted via the following methods:

  • Phone: 07 31033790 / 07 30776851
  • Email: support @ smartreports dot com dot au
  • Skype: smartreports

Where appropriate, we provide online assistance and troubleshooting via Gotomeeting and other online assistance tools.  This ensures that wherever our clients are, our support staff can be remotely connected in real-time and provide required assistance.

We include comprehensive documentation material to help you utilise your system effectively. Also, for the first 30 days, you are entitled to free telephone and email support (up to 5 incidents). Should you require additional support beyond the 30 days, our consultants would be pleased to assist you. Please choose  from the plans provided below that suits your requirements.

If your enquiry is about our reporting or add-on solutions or you require additional customisation for your existing systems, please contact us. Our team of professional consultants including business analysts and developers will be pleased to assist you with your support requirements.


Click here guide for MYOB SmartReports+ Installation guide.
Click here guide for MYOB SmartReports+ company file configuration guide.
Click here guide for MYOB SmartReports+ user guide.
Click here guide for MYOB SmartReports+ FAQ.


Click here guide for QB SmartReports+ Installation guide.
Click here guide for QB SmartReports+ user giude.
Click here guide for QB SmartReports+ FAQ.

Support and Upgrade Plans

  • Bronze Support plan per year – (up to 5 incidents per client) $120+GST
  • Silver Support plan per year – (up to 15 incidents per client) $249+GST
  • GOLD Support plan per year – (up to 30 incidents per client) $349+GST

All support plans commence after 30 day warranty period. A support incident refers to phone call, online assistance, email response and is clocked at 12 minute intervals. Ad-hoc support services are charged at $145 /hr inc GST with a minimum of 30 minutes.

Annual upgrade plan (per license) starting from $199; ad-hoc upgrade for add-on and reporting systems starting from $169. All upgrades to be paid for in advance prior to release of upgrade software.

Includes updates to software and documentation, upgraded downloads from website customer areas.


  • All licenses are single-user
  • The software licence is restricted to use on one PC at one physical location.
  • If the software is required across multiple platforms and locations, a separate licence is required for each platform and each location

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